I'm an enthusiastic, thoughtful and humming (mostly bad songs) software engineer creating AIs that can collaborate with Humans.

Starting in 2006, my early work was focused on developing authoring tools enabling non-specialists to create directable AIs, such as crowds of virtual autonomous characters, for video games, simulation and special effects at INRIA, Golaem and then at MASA Group.

Building upon these experiences, a few colleagues and I launched craft ai in 2015 to implement a singular vision: help enterprises create and operate AIs that leverage their data while keeping humans in the loop. As CTO, I recruited and led a team of ~15 Engineers & PhDs to build, operate and sell a cloud platform training and operating >100k predictive models per month based on our own novel explainable AI algorithm.

In August 2020, I joined AI Redefined in Montréal to contribute to their mission: enabling AIs and Humans to trust and continuously learn from each others. At AIR, I'm working at the interface between AI R&D, product engineering and business to steer and facilitate the execution of the roadmap towards the democratization of steerable AI.

Throughout the years, I've developed an extensive public speaking experience: giving technical or inspirational conferences, facilitating workshops & round tables, both in French and English.


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