Hiking up that HILL with Cogment-Verse: Train & Operate Multi-agent Systems Learning from Humans

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AAMAS, the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, is a premier event in the field of artificial intelligence that focuses on both the theoretical and practical aspects of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems.

In this demo paper we presented Cogment-Verse, which integrates human insights with AI training in multi-agent systems to enhance learning and performance. We highlight the application of the Human-in-the-Loop (HILL) approach, where human interaction helps shape AI behavior in complex scenarios, significantly enriching the learning process and outcomes. The framework aims to streamline the development and deployment of such systems, making it accessible for broader research and practical applications.




    Hiking up that HILL with Cogment-Verse: Train \& Operate Multi-agent Systems Learning from Humans
    Gottipati, Sai Krishna and
    Nguyen, Luong-Ha and
    Mars, Clod{\'e}ric and
    Taylor, Matthew E
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},